Osprey Arcane Roll Top

95,11 € dès 86,02 €
Taille One Size
Colour Black
  • Black
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à 5 95,11 €
dès 6 92,08 € 3%
dès 100 86,02 € 10%
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A beautifully crafted everyday bag, the Arcane Roll Top was designed to fit a variety of...plus
A beautifully crafted everyday bag, the Arcane Roll Top was designed to fit a variety of scenarios and withstand the demands of daily use. Pack it with the day’s essentials and carry it from the office to the gym to the pub. Built with durable certified recycled fabric, intuitive straightforward features and a surprisingly comfortable carry. Featuring clean lines, modern hardware and roll-top access.


EAN: 843820102062
Eco: Yes
Taille: One Size
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